HSOK Writer’s Guidelines
We welcome your submissions and your willingness to encourage and support the homeschool families of Oklahoma.
To submit an article, please follow the guidelines below.
Articles should be sent to team@hsok.org.
Submission Guidelines
- Articles can be any length; 400 to 1600 words preferred.
- Article content may not advertise a particular service or product, but must be informational and generic in nature. Specific company information may be included in the tagline.
- Please include a brief biography that includes your name, where you reside, how many years you have homeschooled, and the ages of your children. If you represent a company, include your company name, website, e-mail contact, address, and phone number so that our readers may easily contact you about your products and services.
- Provide a color head and shoulders photo, if possible.
- Agree to the following permission with your article: I give Oklahoma Christian Home Educators’ Consociation permission to publish this article in the Homeschool Oklahoma Informer magazine and on the Homeschool Oklahoma website (www.homeschooloklahoma.org). I understand that this article is given free of charge with no expectation of compensation. HSOK reserves the right to refuse any submission for any reason.
Article Ideas
- Practical Tips (on organization, choosing curriculum, field trips, lessons learned, etc.)
- Teaching Strategies
- Family Issues
- High School
- Special-Needs/Gifted Education
- Preschool
- Homeschool Experiences
- Home Business