General Testing

Does the State of Oklahoma require testing for homeschoolers?

No, the State of Oklahoma does not require homeschoolers to be tested unless they decide to return to public school. Since Oklahoma law does not set any specific requirements for testing of homeschooled students, parents are free to make their own decisions about whether, how, and when to test their children.

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Why test?

Since homeschooling parents work closely with their students, they have a good idea of how the students are progressing in their education. Therefore, some parents choose not to give their children standardized tests. However, for many parents, the standardized test provides the confirmation needed to boost confidence in their abilities to evaluate their children’s progress. Some parents might discover an area they didn’t realize needed more attention. And having a cumulative record of test scores is one way to provide credibility in the unlikely event the authorities contact you about your homeschool. (Note: This evidence should not be volunteered to these authorities nor shown to them unless it becomes necessary in a court case.)

Testing periodically throughout a student’s home education gives your child experience with formal tests, which they will almost certainly encounter at some point in life. Colleges require entrance exams, and there will be other situations calling for testing, including job applications. This familiarity with test-taking will result in a better test score for them as it eliminates some of the test anxiety that might otherwise be encountered.

How may a homeschooled child be tested?

(Check websites for full information.)

  1. Christian Liberty Academy Achievement Testing Service
    You may administer the California Achievement Test (1970 edition) to your own child., E-mail
    (847) 259-4444 – CLASS Customer Service
  2. Bob Jones Testing and Evaluation
    Parents may order the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, the Stanford, and other tests. A qualified tester must administer these tests., (800) 845-5731 or (864) 242-5100, ext. 3300
  3. Family Learning Organization offers the California Achievement Test and the Metropolitan Achievement Test
    (509) 467-2552,,
  4. Bayside School Services offers the California Achievement Test
    (252) 441-5351, (800) 723-3057,,
  5. Hewitt Homeschooling Resources offers the PASS Test (written for home educators. Norms are based on national populations as well as home educated populations.) (360) 835-8708

Are there other testing possibilities?

Check with local Christian or private schools to see if they will allow your student to take achievement tests with their students. Some support groups organize achievement testing for their member families.

Christian Heritage Academy – Stanford Achievement Test for students completing grades 2-11. For information call 405-516-5095.

Oral Roberts University – Metropolitan Achievement Testing for grades K-12. For info or application to register, contact Dr. Gweth Holzmann, 918-495-6492,

High School Testing

What is the PSAT/NMSQT?

The PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) measures verbal and mathematical reasoning abilities. Traditionally it is the practice test for the SAT as they contain the same kinds of questions and it will estimate your potential SAT score. This test is co-sponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) and is given once per year in October for students who are juniors in high school. (Sophomores may consider taking the PSAT/NMSQT for additional practice.) Eligible juniors will automatically be entered into the Merit Scholarship Program. Awards will be given to approximately 7000 – 8000 students based on their scores.

How can I take the PSAT/NMSQT if I’m taught at home?

Contact a principal or counselor at a local public or independent high school to make arrangements to take the PSAT/NMSQT at their school. Be sure to do so well in advance of the mid-October test dates, preferably during the previous June.

Where can I get more information about the PSAT/NMSQT? Contact:
P.O. Box 6720
Princeton, NJ 08541-6720
(609) 771-7070, (609) 882-4118 TTY (has sample test questions)

What are college entrance exams?

Colleges and universities generally require an entrance test that helps them better understand how you compare with other college-bound students. Some colleges also require SAT subject tests. Check with the colleges that your child is interested in attending for specific requirements. Oklahoma public colleges and universities accept scores from either the ACT or the SAT test.

What is the SAT?

The SAT is the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Most SAT information is the same for homeschooled students as it is for traditional students.

SAT I: Reasoning Test
The SAT I is accepted at any university in the United States and is preferred by top colleges. It includes critical reading, math, and writing sections. The three-hour and 45-minute test is composed of eight sections (three Math, two writing, including an essay, and three critical reading). One of the sections will be an unscored section that tests potential material.

SAT II: Subject Tests
These tests assume a high school-level knowledge base. They are one-hour, multiple-choice tests in specific subjects. As a homeschooler, you should consider taking one or more subject tests to demonstrate your academic strengths to colleges. Plus, some colleges require homeschoolers to take one or more subject tests for admission or placement.

How do I register for the SAT?

You can register for SAT tests on your own. Unlike the PSAT/NMSQT, you do not need to go through a local high school. You can register online, by mail, or by telephone (if previously registered for an SAT test). Request a free Registration Bulletin from your local high school guidance office or call (609) 771-7600 to have one mailed to you. Also request a copy of “Taking the SAT I: Reasoning Test” or “Taking the SAT II: Subject Test.” Where can I get more information about the SAT? Contact:

College Board SAT Program
P.O. Box 6200
Princeton, NJ 08541

What is the ACT?

The ACT Assessment, or A-C-T as it is commonly called, is a national college admission examination that consists of tests in English, mathematics, reading, and science reasoning. ACT also offers a 30-minute writing test as an optional component. ACT results are accepted by virtually all U.S. colleges and universities. The ACT includes 215 multiple-choice questions and takes approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete with breaks.

How do I register for the ACT?

There are five national ACT test dates. The test is given at a number of different locations, usually colleges and high schools. The ACT Assessment student registration packet is available through your local high school guidance counselor or you can register online at

Where can I get more information about the ACT? Contact:
ACT Registration Department
P.O. Box 414
Iowa City, IA 52243-0414
(319) 337-1270 (also has educational and career planning information)

Tests that earn college credit

The AP program offered by the College Board gives high school students the opportunity to receive college credit for what they have learned in high school or on their own. The AP exam assumes a college-level class knowledge base. Test times range from 2 hours to 3 hours and 15 minutes. Many contain an essay section. Tests are only given in May (register before April) on one specific date per subject at participating high schools.

For free brochures on this program, write:
Advanced Placement Program
P.O. Box 6670
Princeton, NJ 08541-6670

For names of schools near you that administer the exams write:
AP Services
P.O. Box 6671
Princeton, NJ 08541-6671

CLEP – College Level Examination Program

CLEP offers credit by examination in a wide range of subjects commonly required for college undergraduates. Taking and passing a few of these tests can save a lot of time and money. Write for the free CLEP Colleges booklet:
P.O. Box 6601
Princeton, NJ 08541-6601